Ken's Gems Supplies Inc.
#18, 2219 - 35th Ave NE,
T2E 6W3
Tel: 1-403-291-2912
Fax: 1-403-291-2782

Ransom & Randolph Ultra-Vest Investment - 50lbs RR-Ultravest

Proven quality, consistent results for casting gold, silver, brass, bronze. Ultra-Vest investment is accepted by jewelry casters as being the most process forgiving product available for casting - saving casters time and money. Ultra-Vest investment provides easy quench and easy cleanup, reducing your risk of losing valuable metal. Ultra-Vest investment produces smoother surfaces than other investments, resulting in less finishing.
Bandust Up to 99% reduction in respirable dust exposure during investing. Less total dust overall during the investing process. Excellent final casting results.


Manufactured by:Ransom & Randolph

Description Ransom & Randolph Ultra-Vest Investment - 50lbs RR-Ultravest

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Ken's Gems Supplies Inc.
#18, 2219 - 35th Ave NE,  Calgary,   Alberta,  T2E 6W3   Canada
Tel: 1-403-291-2912   Fax: 1-403-291-2782